Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I began testing with OPKs for my LH surge today and haven't received a positive as of yet. I'm excited to begin getting back in tune with my body and the usual TTC rituals. I'll begin charting my BBT next cycle.
I'm definitely happy to begin TTC but there have been some conflicting feelings along with it. I began online dating several weeks ago when I thought I'd be taking a long break from TTC. I'm going on my second date tomorrow evening with this man that I met online and feel like I'm keeping this big secret about my plan to begin IUIs in August. Well, I guess I feel like I'm keeping a secret because I AM! How do you tell someone that though?
I really haven't told anyone accept my online friends at "Fertile Thoughts" and my mom and one close friend. I'm really not ready to let people know yet. Not everyone anyway.
I'll be checking in every couple of days to post on my LH surge status. Hopefully this cycle is normal and uneventful so I can know that my next IUI will be properly timed.
Okay... that's all for now.
Thanks for reading!!!

~ Charity

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